Mental & Physical Health Tips, COVID-19 and more
/With the world turned upside down and inside out amid the COVID-19 outbreak our bodies are stressed. Kelly McGonigal does an excellent Ted Talk on the effects of how we view stress in our life and whether stress will have a positive or negative effect on our bodies. She states that stress makes us "social" as the oxytocin, released from the pituitary gland, makes us reach out for others' help and strengthens close relationships. Oxytocin and adrenaline are both major parts in the stress reaction. Kelly goes on to state that caring creates resilience and that when we see our stress response as helpful we create the biology of courage! And we need courage right now!
Below are general good self care strategies and some specifics during COVID-19:
Eat a variety of healthy foods - fruits, vegetables and proteins
Stay hydrated
Go for walks outside and in nature
Keep a regular sleep/wake cycle
Call, text and email family and friends
Limit your news intake to only as required and at most 2 times a day
Arrange among family, friends or neighbors for only one person to go out shopping, etc. and/or rotate this responsibility.
Consult your doctor, pharmacist, health care provider about:
A good multi vitamin
Increasing your vitamin D and B12
Increased vitamin C
One thing we know about the COVID-19 virus is that it enters our body through our eyes, nose and mouth. Oil pulling does aid in removing bacteria from the mouth. I have been doing oil pulling with coconut oil for the past few years and have not had a cold. When I oil pull I will get some phlegm release afterwards. If I feel like I might be getting catching a cold, I oil pull and gargle with the oil morning and night, followed by brushing my teeth. The night time routine includes gargling with salt water, as well, and then rinsing with water. I suggest if you want to try this technique that you start with a small amount of coconut oil and about 5 minutes to get use to the feeling. I suggest using coconut oil as it is the most tasteful of all the oils one can use. Some people have a gag reaction, so stay close to the garbage can in case you need to spit it out. Also be mindful that the oil MUST be spit out into the garbage can as it will clog drains and toilets. Here is a link for more information on oil pulling. Oil Pulling Info
We all have a hidden "guardian" muscle within us. It is our Psoas muscle. I say it is our "guardian" muscle because it is said to b the very first muscle that is activated if you need to fight, flee or freeze. This muscle is in constant communication with our nervous system. Any change in our equilibrium or shock to our being and the Psoas is triggered to move us quickly to safety. The unfortunate part is that the Psoas muscle does not relax automatically after the stress. So continued stress compounds the constriction of the Psoas muscle. I think it is safe to say that everyone right now has a very constricted Psoas muscle, as it is probably working quadruple time with the stress of the COVID-19 outbreak.When the Psoas is flexible it gives us the feeling of calm and groundedness. I particularly enjoy this pose. In the link I provide, there is a lot of information on the psoas, a picture of what it looks like and instructions on how to roll into the position. Personally, I just get my feet on the chair and ensure the following:
my legs are at at 90 degrees to the chair and supported (see pic)
my shoulder blades and the small of my back are flat against the floor
my neck is supported, if needed
I put my hands on my belly and then begin to breath in for a count of 3 and out for counts of 6, 8, 10. The longer the exhalation the quicker the body moves into the parasympathetic mode (rest). Although the Psoas muscle does not know how to release its tension, it is not stupid. It has tightened for a reason and will take time to release. Thus, you may have to do this pose several times to gain a subtle Psoas muscle. Initially, you should notice increased fluidity in your pelvic area. Once your Psoas becomes accustomed to releasing, you may find that you fall into a deep nap state for 10-15 minutes, while in the pose. It is then that you will feel recharged and calm. Info on the Psoas pose:
Our life, as we have known it, has abruptly changed. New ways of being with one another and awareness of others has begun flourish. We are all living a basic life - we have food, water, shelter, and clothing. During this period of time, we are challenged to come into a closer relationship with ourselves and others. This often draws forth challenging feelings we have for both for ourselves and in relationship with others. Although difficult, this is gift - to understand yourself and others in new ways and to grow your relationships. The Tapping Technique is very good for de-escalating heightened feelings.
Tapping With Brad Yates on Anxiety
Other Techniques:
Give your self a full, vigorous, body shake, This breaks up the emotional body posture and informs the body that something new is going to happen.
Practice box breathing: Breathing in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 4 and pause for a count of 4. Repeat.