Ann Schnurr, RP Director, CPEB Therapies

Ann Schnurr, RP
Director, CPEB Therapies

My role as a therapist is to assist my clients to see, understand, and release that which prevents them from living a more fulfilled life.

A Note from Ann:

Acknowledging within yourself that life can be better and beginning to source a therapist to assist you in this journey is life-affirming.  In just this action alone, you may become aware of subtle changes occurring in your life or that you are dreaming more.  

Please take some time to review my website so that you can get a better sense of my approaches and what I can offer you in your journey.

Attending a therapy session is not a weakness – it’s a strength!  I am honoured to witness my clients’ strength on a daily basis. For me, there is no better feeling than seeing my clients get their "AHa!" - a deep understanding of how they are acting out their learned behaviour (unconscious dynamic) and witnessing positive change flourish in their lives.

- Ann

Ann Schnurr is an approved provider with Green Shield, Blue Cross and Sun Life insurance plans.


We Treat

Depression, anxiety, anger issues, chronic illness, stress,  personal relationships, workplace dynamics

The following clip explains the work Ann does. In some instances, psychotherapy can be an effective supportive process in a person's recovery from a medical illness. Please consult your medical doctor to see if psychotherapy would be a recommended support in your healing process.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure....As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
— Marianne Williamson

Ann Speaks with Tamara Williamson about her dreams.
(The podcast is quite long. You can skip ahead to time mark 21:55 and 31:32 where we speak of the 2 dreams specifically.)

For more information on dreams please read my blog:



Ann Schnurr is an approved provider with Green Shield, Blue Cross, and Sun Life insurance plans.